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Creative workshops for Businesses, Organizations, and Educators

As the world moves faster each day, we as humans are expected to produce and create more and MORE. This can lead not only to burnout for individuals, but to larger systemic issues within businesses, organizations, and institutions that make producing quality work nearly impossible.


Our LOTUS Workshops are designed to help groups take a step back and find opportunities for GROWTH and CHANGE that will lead to a healthier, happier, and more productive environment for all. Participatory, hands-on, and creative experiences will allow your group to take a breath, look inward to discover themselves, outward to learn about others, and forward to change the world.



Scroll to read about our current workshops and pricing...

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Find Your Power

A creative workshop for team building

Each individual contributes different strengths - or “superpowers” - to the team.  In this fun and active workshop, discover and celebrate not only your own unique qualities, but those of your colleagues.  Through our creative and out-of -the-box activities, you will be challenged to step out of your comfort zone, see yourself and others through a different lens, build trust, and create connections that will only help achieve greater success within your team. For new or seasoned groups, teams, or staff that seek to build and/or strengthen relationships through a unique bonding experience.

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Build a Bridge

A creative workshop for conflict resolution strategies

How do we successfully work alongside people with whom we disagree?  In today’s world, we have become increasingly disconnected, and conflict with no apparent resolution is everywhere - at work, at home, and even with strangers. In this unique and active workshop, you will build skills in empathy, active listening, and validating different perspectives. Through our creative and out-of-the-box activities, you will experience the magic of improved communication, coming to consensus, as well as concrete techniques to handle both subtle and overt conflicts. This workshop will build bridges within your organization - groups, teams, and staff that feel valued and validated, even through disagreement, have higher morale, more longevity, and greater success.

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Raise Your Voice

A creative workshop in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

What steps is your organization taking to create a sense of true belonging for every single individual? Are you encouraging and inspiring your team to be UPstanders instead of BYstanders, to raise their voices against microaggressions, discrimination, and bigotry, instead of ignoring these because it is easier? In this thought-provoking and active workshop, you will not only learn about DEIB, but also be challenged to hold yourself accountable for subtle assumptions and behaviors you did not even realize were discriminatory. Through our creative and out-of-the-box activities, you will not only deepen your understanding of your colleagues, but begin to see every individual for more than who you assumed them to be.

Workshop Pricing

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1 Hour Workshop

Price: $250

3 Hour Workshop

Price: $500

8 Hour Workshop*

Price: $1000

*Includes 1 hour lunch break

Workshops that are 3 hours or more can take place on one day or can be split up on multiple days. If you do not see what you are looking for in our current offerings, please CONTACT US to discuss designing a custom workshop for your group!

Book a LOTUS Workshop 

To book a LOTUS Workshop, please submit the inquiry form below:

Thank you! Someone will be in touch with you soon!


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Copyright The Lotus Project 2023

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