The Lotus Project
Changing the world...one human at a time.
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We would like to thank our official
2024-2025 LOTUS Sponsors:

GOLD Lotus - $2500+
Achievement of Complete Enlightenment
Dorsey & Bob Piscatelli

PURPLE Lotus - $1000+
Balance and Understanding
Andrea Berenfeld Real Estate
Clementine Residential Designs
The Stetson Family
Anonymous (2)

BLUE Lotus - $750+
Wisdom & Intelligence

GREEN Lotus - $500+
Inner Peace & Transformation
Marti Head Shots & Photography
Candace Hefner Naliboff
The Miller Family
L.A. Skin Studio

YELLOW Lotus - $250+
Curiosity & Openness
ORANGE Lotus - $100+
Creativity & Joy
RED Lotus - $25+
Compassion & Heart
Greg and Amy Arnold
Leah Naliboff
The Mann Family
Steve & Andrea Berenfeld
Zachary Tarlton & Jonathan McDonald
Lord & Lindley PLLC
The Ahdieh Family
Marc & Laura Lewin
Lisa & Jeff Schacher
Lori & Peter Blair
The Straley Family
Gary & Karen Manlioff
The Catenazzo Family
Kim Engel-Hughes
Joanna Lindenbaum & Jonathan Polsky
The Davison Family
Bishops Cut/Color
Paul & Megan Sacksteder
Hank West
USC Lancaster Soccer
Amy Grout
Catherine & Stuart Spencer
Dennis Delamar
Ali Scheck
Susan Roberts
The Barrett Family
The Tully Family
The Higginbotham Family
Become a LOTUS Sponsor
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the generous financial support of businesses and individuals within our community make it possible for us to focus on our mission of using the arts to change lives. If you believe in our mission and would like to show your support, click below to become a LOTUS Sponsor today!